Street Portraits From India
My favourite photographs from India are of people.
My candid shots were often foiled; people noticed me, even at quite a distance, and smiled and waved. As the only white people around–Rob blond haired and blue-eyed, and Deb and me dressed respectfully but not wearing sarees–I guess we were pretty conspicuous.
But I really prefer what I call street portraits. I don’t ask people to pose, but I do make eye contact, and a connection, when I take their picture.
In India people were usually as interested in me as I was in them. Our conversations were often limited to “where from?”/”what country?” and our answer, “Canada”–a bit confusing at times, where the local language is Kannada! And we could say “Namaste” and a few other words we tried to get right. But even without language, a smile goes a long way.
Markets are the epitome of colour in a colourful country; here are some of the vendors we saw in produce and fish markets, and ad-hoc stalls along the way. We bought things when we could: mostly fruit and flowers. Other times–at the fish market, for example–without cooking facilities all we could say was “no kitchen!” and hope they understood.
A chili pepper vendor on the street, outside the fish market in Honnavar:

At the fish markets, most vendors have stalls with counters.

But at smaller markets, on the periphery of the big ones, or sometimes just on the side of the road, there are always some women sitting on upturned pails, their fish in bowls or spread out neatly in front of them.

There are ad-hoc fruit and vegetable “stalls” everywhere.
With afternoon temperatures around 35C/95F, the tiniest bit of shade is important. This is not an easy way to earn a living.

This woman was squeezed into the sliver of shade provided by the wall. Her serious face became a smile when I greeted her and bought some peanuts.

I’m so intrigued by the women carrying loads on their heads.
Through the car window as we drove through town (OK, these aren’t vendors, but I’m including them here anyway)…

Near a busy market…

And carrying a basket of ice at the harbour in Malpe.

This woman is measuring out a string of flowers that Rob is buying to decorate the hotel room. They’re used in women’s hair and to decorate everything from temples to trucks. I could do a whole series of just flower vendors!

Another flower vendor in the same market. You can see she’s stringing the blossoms together.

Nearby, this man called me over and signed that I should take his picture!

These women were part of a group of a dozen or more cleaning fish–or preparing bait?–at the fish market in Kundapura.

Her toe rings–one on each foot–signify that she is married.

And one last portrait for now, another vendor at a produce market.

More to come…
I feel as if I’ve been transported there through your photos. What beautiful faces and colorful surroundings.
Aw, thanks Darla!
The colours are so vibrant! Raises one’s spirit immediately! Really love living virtually through you in the blog on your trip to India! Lovely!
Thank you Suzanne!