Category: Travel

A smiling woman wearing a saree is sitting in front of her display of fish at the marketg

Street Portraits From India

My favourite photographs from India are of people: what I call street portraits. I don’t ask people to pose, but I do make eye contact, and a connection, when I take their picture.

A group of small fishing boats are pulled up on a beach, surrounded by a jungle of trees including palm trees

India Again! Part 1: Goa

I’ve wanted to go back to India ever since my first trip there almost five years ago. So I was thrilled when my sister and her husband invited me to join them! This is the first in a series of posts to share the sights and my impressions… how I wish I could share the sounds, smells, and flavours!

Two swans rise up in the water, wings raised, facing off for a fight

Swan drama in the bay

You know how sometimes you’ll be having dinner at a nice waterside restaurant patio, and there are swans on the water so you grab your camera and go lie down on your stomach on the restaurant’s dock so you can take pictures? No? Just me? Not sure what the other diners thought but there I was, lying flat on my belly on the dock. And then the drama happened!