Winter’s Last Hurrah: Blue Shadows and Big Birds
It’s finally feeling like spring! But we did get a stretch of “real winter”, and enough snow to get out the cross-country skis and snowshoes. So I’m sharing some images from the last few...
The world through my lens
It’s finally feeling like spring! But we did get a stretch of “real winter”, and enough snow to get out the cross-country skis and snowshoes. So I’m sharing some images from the last few...
Snow! Snow, snow, snow snow! I’m doing a happy dance here. Early this month we woke up to a snow-covered winter wonderland, so beautiful it took my breath away. A pink sky at sunrise:...
I’m going to try to post here more often. I think most of us are feeling the need for a little more nature and beauty these days, so I’m doing my part to send...
We’ve had some strange climate-changing weather lately. Hardly any snow yet. It’s been crazy warm, so instead of snow, we’ve had rain. And if you live anywhere that gets cold, you know that when...
I woke early this morning, rolled over and looked out the window. Mist, everywhere! In seconds I was out the door in boots and a fleece jacket, camera in hand. What a magical sight!
It’s probably too late for me to be a real farm girl, but I’m trying to absorb as much as I can by osmosis. So last weekend we checked out the Wolfe Island Plowmen’s Association’s annual plowing match.
Tree swallows moved into our new next boxes this summer. What a treat to watch them nesting, feeding, and fledging!
You know how sometimes you’ll be having dinner at a nice waterside restaurant patio, and there are swans on the water so you grab your camera and go lie down on your stomach on the restaurant’s dock so you can take pictures? No? Just me? Not sure what the other diners thought but there I was, lying flat on my belly on the dock. And then the drama happened!
The seasonal ponds in the woods, that dry up by mid-summer but then fill up again the rest of the year, are one of my favourite parts of the woods.